Meet Our Board of Supervisors

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is guided by a volunteer board of local landowners - three elected and two appointed supervisors - who each serve overlapping three year terms. The District also is advised by non-voting associate supervisors appointed by the Board to expand the pool of knowledge, interest, and volunteer assistance for District programs and projects.

Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of most months at 9:00am. Attendees can participate in-person at our office and online via Zoom.

The meetings are open to the public.

  • Mark F. Hedrich


  • Diane Schivera


  • Jeff Tarbox


  • Nancy Prisk


  • Karin Rector


  • Sharon Chadwick


  • Barrie Brusila


  • Robert W. Spear

    Honorary Lifetime Member of our Board

  • Barry J. Tibbetts

    Honorary Lifetime Member of our Board

Interested in Serving on the Board of Supervisors?

  • Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is guided by a volunteer board of local landowners - three elected and two appointed supervisors - who each serve overlapping, three-year terms.

    Supervisors are registered resident voters of Knox or Lincoln counties and are responsible for guiding the District’s business affairs and operations.

    Elected and appointed supervisors, along with non-elected associate supervisors, oversee technical assistance projects; education, outreach, and conservation programs; and set priorities for District employees at regular monthly meetings.

    A general election - open to all registered voters residing in Knox and Lincoln counties - is held each fall to fill the vacancy for the elected supervisor whose term is expiring.

  • Anyone interested in running for the office of supervisor or voting in the election must be a resident registered voter within the boundaries of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD).

    Candidates need have only an interest in conservation and a willingness, at a minimum, to participate in a monthly board meeting at the District office at 893 West St in Rockport. To run for an elected position, a candidate must submit a short biography and a nomination petition signed by 25 Knox and/or Lincoln county residents.

    For appointed positions, the Knox-Lincoln SWCD Board of Supervisors submits up to three names of interested individuals to the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, which chooses the appointee.

  • Elections are held annually in November/December. In 2024, Election is Nov 20th at 9 am. Ballots may be mailed or dropped off starting Oct 22nd.

    In 2024, we have one appointed position and one elected position available. Nomination papers are due to the District on Oct 22nd at 9 am.

    The volunteer board, which is responsible for guiding the District’s business affairs and operations, comprises of three elected and two appointed supervisors, who each serve overlapping three-year terms.

    For more information on becoming a supervisor or associate supervisor, contact Julie Sells at 207-596-2040 or 

  • Our Board welcomes Associate Supervisors, who non-voting members appointed by the Board, who may have an interest in the general activities of the District or a specific area of interest or expertise to share.     

    No election is required for these positions.

    For more information on becoming an associate supervisor, contact Julie Sells at 207-596-2040 or 

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and provider.