Youth Education
Knox-Lincoln SWCD offers a wide range of programs and activities for youth.
Please visit Events and Programs for current activities, or click on images below for more information.
K-6 Poster Contest
The annual National Conservation Poster Contest provides K-6 students with the opportunity to convey their thoughts about soil, water, and related natural resource issues through art. Poster theme follows the annual stewardship theme of National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD).
Read ME Agriculture
Read "ME" Agriculture has reached more than 100,000 Maine students since 2008, and 700 classrooms annually. During Ag Week, volunteers read and give books about agriculture to PreK-4 classrooms.
Summer Ecology Camps
Summer Ecology Camps offer exciting, outdoor nature experiences for young children.
Through gardening, games, experiments, and observation, young campers enjoy an introduction to ecology and the natural world in these half-day camps. Activities include planting and maintaining a flower/vegetable garden, bug hunts, nature hikes, tree and animal identification, and more.
Eco-Explorers (Ages 7 to 9)
For children ages 7 to 9 who are looking to explore the natural world, conduct experiments, and get up-close-and-personal with the plants, insects, and animals in their Maine backyards.
Little Sprouts (Ages 4 to 6)
For younger campers ages 4 to 6 who love to be outdoors, discover the world around them, play outdoor games, and get creative.
Summer Ecology Camps are made possible through a partnership between Merryspring Nature Center and Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District. Camps take place at Merryspring Nature Center at 30 Conway Road in Camden.
Summer Explorer Kits
This summer we will again be partnering with Merryspring Nature Center to offer fun, take-home activities for kids ages 4-9.
Free EXPLORER KITS for families and children will be available at Merryspring Nature Center, 30 Conway Rd in Camden. Stay tuned for program dates during the Summer 2025.
Pollinator Parties
Our Pollinator Parties program provides standards-aligned, hands-on learning about pollinators and the plants that support them.
Knox-Lincoln SWCD will provide learning sessions for your Knox-Lincoln classrooms on request.
Enviroscape Watershed Model
We all live in a watershed - an area of land that drains to a particular body of water such as a river, lake, or bay. Everything that happens in a watershed affects the river, lake, or bay. Our watershed model demonstrates this concept to students of all ages.
Knox-Lincoln SWCD will provide learning sessions for your Knox-Lincoln classrooms on request, or teachers may borrow the model to use with their class.
Additional Programming to be Announced
Stay tuned.
Additional Programming to be Announced
Stay tuned.
Organizations and Programs
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
Maine School Garden Network
Maine Ag in the Classroom Be sure to sign up for their newsletter that highlights great resources!
Gulf of Maine Research Institute: Vital Signs
Maine Project Learning Tree
National Association of Conservation Districts
New England Dairy Live virtual tours of dairy farms
Teaching Resources
Maine Ag in the Classroom Resources for Remote Learning:
Agricultural lessons for preK - 12: Teach ME About Food & Farms:
Ag Mags:
"Ag Mags" are 4-page agriculture magazines designed for grades 3-5, produced by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. These educational magazines include information, activities, farmer interviews, and more! They're aligned to standards and come in classroom sets of 30. Check out the many different topics of Ag Mags.
New Issues include:
Bat Education
Bat Trunk - available locally for loan
Project EduBat Activities
Book Ideas
Explore our growing collection of books on the Agriculture Literacy Curriculum Matrix that celebrate traditions throughout the world, support Multicultural Literacy, and highlight cultures that take part in the farm to fork process of our food. Find the collection on the Matrix. Printable book list and descriptions.
Climate Change Webcasts for Students: www.ClimateChangeLIVE.org
Gardening/Healthy Meals:
Dig In! A Gardening Guide Curriculum for 5th and 6th Grades
If your school participates in Federal Child Nutrition programs: http://tn.ntis.gov
All others, view & download lessons: http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/library.html
Kit includes: Standards-based lessons, 28 pages of handouts, a gardening guide, 35 Dig In! at-home booklets for parents/caregivers, & 6 different fruit and vegetable posters
USDA Recipes - What's Cooking?
Homeschooling Lessons: eLearning Boxes:
These eLearning Boxes, created by National Agriculture in the Classroom, are designed to support various forms of homeschool, virtual learning, and online classes. These kits provide ready-to-use supplies to facilitate hands-on learning and discovery. Each kit contains materials for one student to complete a variety of activities found on the PreK-2 Grade eLearning or 3rd-5th Grade eLearning lesson site. These kits can be found on the ag classroom store: Grades PreK-2 Kit, Grades 3-5 Kit
Pollination Activity Booklet:
Soil Health:
Dig & Learn
Cover Crop
No Till
Unstoppable Learning (Ted Radio Hour podcast-a must for all teachers!):