Landscapes and Gardens for Maine
Backyard Conservation
Maine YardScaping Partnership fact sheets and more: http://www.yardscaping.org/
Backyard Conservation: Bringing conservation from the countryside to your backyard
Gardening to Conserve Maine's Native Landscapes: Plants to Use, Plants to Avoid (UMaine Ext Bulletin #2500)
Chart: Cultural Conditions and Landscape Uses for Selected Native Plants (KL-SWCD)
Native Plants for Butterflies (Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve)
Native Plants for Birds (Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve)
Native Plants for Maine: Wild Seed Project
Conservation Practices for Homeowners Series (Maine DEP, Portland Water District, Cumberland County SWCD):
Native Plants for full sun/wet
Native Plants for full sun/dry
Native Plants for part sun/wet
Native Plants for part sun/dry
Native Plants for shade/wet
Native Plants for shade/dry
Plant Care Fact Sheets
Care and Planting of Bareroot Stock
Selecting, Planting, and Caring for Trees and Shrubs in the Maine Landscape (UMaine Ext Bull #2366)
Pruning Woody Landscape Plants (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Growing Asparagus (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Growing Raspberries and Blackberries (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Planting and Pruning Primocane Raspberries (Stark Bros. Nursery)
Growing Strawberries (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Growing Highbush Blueberries (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Growing Peaches in Maine (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Planting and Early Care of Fruit Trees (UMaine Ext Bulletin)
Planting and First Pruning of Fruit Trees (Adams County Nursery)
Top Wire Cordon Grape Trellis System (AA Vineyards)
Buffer Plantings
Landscaping at the Water's Edge - NEW Handbook from UNH! (2014)
Buffer Handbook (1998)
Buffer Plant List (comprehensive guide including cultural requirements; Androscoggin Valley SWCD)
Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes
Yardscaping Home Page: www.maine.gov/dacf/php/pesticides/yardscaping/
Yardscaping Lawn Fact Sheets: cumberlandswcd.org/site/yardscape
Meadow Establishment, Wildflowers for NE Meadows, Wildflower Calendar (UNH)
Guide to Wildflower Seedlings: http://extension.unh.edu/Wildflower-Guide-Page1 (UNH)

More Fact Sheets
Understanding Native Bees, the Great Pollinators: Enhancing Their Habitat in Maine (UMaine Ext Bull 7153)
Build a Native Bee Nest Block (KL-SWCD)
Testing your soil (UMaine Ext Bull #2286e)
(Soil test kits available at District office)
Interpreting your test results - lawn & garden (Maine Soil Testing Service)
Insect Pests
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD): A new pest of soft fruits (KL-SWCD)
SWD: 2013 Bait & Trapping Guide (PDF)
Additional Information
Online resources
UMaine Cooperative Extension publications: http://umaine.edu/gardening/publications/
New England Wildflower Society - Go Botany: http://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/
Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center: http://www.wildflower.org/plants/
Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/plant-finder.aspx
USDA Plants Database: http://plants.usda.gov
Yardscaping for a Healthy Maine: Yardscaping
Recommended Books
Blouin, Glen. 2004. Weeds of the woods. Nimbus Publishing.
Burrell, Colston. 2006. Native alternatives to invasive plants. Handbook #45. Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Cullina, William. Various. Wildflowers; Native trees, shrubs, and vines; Native ferns, moss, & grasses. Houghton-Mifflin.
Hightshoe, Gary. 1987. Native trees, shrubs, and vines for rural and urban America. Wiley.
Leopold, Donald. 2005. Native plants of the northeast. Timber Press.
Mader, Eric et al. 2011. Attracting native pollinators. Xerces Society. Storey Publishing.
Mizejewski, David. 2004. Attracting birds, butterflies & other backyard wildlife. National Wildlife Federation.
Tallamy, Douglas. 2007. Bringing nature home. Timber Press.