Events & Workshops

Septic Systems Installer Workshop

Septic Systems Installer Workshop

  • Owls Head Community Room - Owls Head Town Office (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Septic Systems Installer Workshop

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 8:30 AM - 4 PM, at Owls Head Community Room - Owls Head Town Office Register for this day-long training below by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Course fee is $125. Light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments are provided.

This is a training for site evaluators, local plumbing inspectors, and contractors. The workshop will be presented by Glenn Angell, a retired State Site Evaluator, and Dave Rocque, retired State Soil Scientist, and cover:

  • Rule revision updates

  • LPI inspections

  • Disposal system issues

  • Device issues

  • Installer certification

  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control

  • Septic system malfunctions

  • Soils and hydrology for long lasting septic systems

  • Issues for installers (including HHE200 form)

  • Wetland and waterbody regulations in the SSWWD

NEW: Dave Rocque will discuss a new bill to be introduced during the first session of the 132nd Maine State Legislature. An Act to Protect Water Quality by Reducing Nutrient Pollution from Septic Systems will require the development of rules that address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters from septic systems and put forth guidelines on how to evaluate existing septic systems to determine their impact on surface and groundwaters. This bill will also cover how to design systems to minimize these impacts. Dave is a co-author of this bill.

Continuing education credits will be available upon completion of the training.

  • Site Evaluators & Licensed Plumbing Inspectors:

    • 8 subsurface wastewater or 8 legal issues contact hours

  • Contractors:

    • Full credit towards certification or recertification in septic system installation

    • 4 CEUs for DEP Erosion and Sediment Control recertification

**A 48-hour notice of cancellation is required to get a 50% refund. No refunds for a “no show.” All programs and services of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District are offered on a non-discriminatory basis.

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Exploring the Forest Trees of Maine

Exploring the Forest Trees of Maine

Join Knox-Lincoln SWCD and Maine Forest Service District Forester Allyssa Gregory for an exploration of the trees of Rockland Bog Preserve, a Georges River Land Trust Preserve. Maine’s forests are home to a diverse mix of coniferous and deciduous trees. Learning to identify trees is an essential step toward sustainable woodland stewardship! Participants will learn to identify tree species by looking at form, branching arrangement, buds, bark, and present foliage. Woodland appreciators should leave with a knowledge of Maine’s native trees, practical tree identification skills, and insights into forest stewardship. Join us for a woodland walk and strengthen your connection to Maine’s woodlands! Free program — Register Below!

Location: Rockland Bog Preserve, Route 90 Access
Date and Time: Thursday, April 10, 4:30-6pm NEW: Tentative session on Tuesday, April 15 at the same location & time.
Address: 11 Farwell Dr (Route 90), Rockland, ME 04841 (Google Maps Link)
Parking: Upon arrival, continue downhill through Johanson Boatworks to the preserve parking.

This program requires the ability to walk over uneven terrain. Wear comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate attire.

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Booth at Rockport Library’s Seed Fest

Booth at Rockport Library’s Seed Fest

Join Knox-Lincoln SWCD at the Rockport Public Library’s “Seed Fest” on Saturday, Apr. 12. Seed enthusiasts and gardening buffs of all ages can browse tables throughout the library filled with hands-on activities, informative displays, and free samples from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. At 1 p.m., Neil Lash, co-founder of the internationally recognized Heirloom Seed Project, will give a 30-minute slideshow/talk on heirloom seeds, followed by audience Q&A. The entire event is free and open to the public. Knox-Lincoln SWCD will provide test kits and other information to help visitors better comprehend and work with the soil at their homes. FMI: Rockport Public Library

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North Haven Invasive Plant Management Webinar

North Haven Invasive Plant Management Webinar

Join Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District, Maine Natural Areas Program, and the Maine Forest Service for a FREE Invasive Plant Management Webinar. Participants will learn about invasive plant management with a focus on North Haven Island species. Presenters will cover information related to control, cost-share programs, plans, and more!

For more information, please contact Maine Forest Service District Forester Allyssa Gregory at

Registration is required for the Teams meeting information.

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Maine Audubon’s Stream Smart Workshop Phase I for Knox County Municipalities

Maine Audubon’s Stream Smart Workshop Phase I for Knox County Municipalities

Maine Audobon’s Stream Smart Workshop Phase I for Knox County Municipalities

Registration is required. This training is free to all Knox County Municipalities. Should space permit, we can accommodate other registrants for a $35 per person fee.

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is hosting Maine Audubon’s Stream Smart Training – Phase One for Municipalities in Knox County on April 29 at the Lura Libby Room, Town of Thomaston. This training is the first part in a three-part series geared toward Knox County Municipalities thanks to the generous funding through the Midcoast Council of Governments “Weathering the Storm project.” The training will be held in-person from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Refreshments and resource materials will be provided. The next two trainings in the series, CoastWise and Stream Smart Phase II, will be held later this year.

This half-day introductory workshop provides training for professionals to expand the local knowledge base on how to include aquatic organism passage and higher storm volume capacity when designing stream/road crossings. Applying the Stream Smart principles to road crossings can help connect and maintain fish and wildlife habitat while protecting roads and public safety. Stream Smart crossings can also help towns prepare for the large and frequent storm events that have been washing out roads around the state and the northeast.

Participants will learn about: the value of free-flowing streams; the regulations that are applicable when working on road/stream crossings; the principles of building Stream Smart crossings; the costs and benefits of Stream Smart crossings; and where to look for funding.

These workshops are designed for professionals responsible for road-stream crossings, including municipal leaders, managers, and public works employees. They cover road-stream crossing projects from site assessment to permitting and installation, and emphasize maintaining and restoring aquatic habitat and economic values of the stream. Workshop presenters include professionals from state and federal agencies , as well as, statewide non-profits. Participants can receive recertification credit for Maine DEP’s Voluntary Contractor Certification Program, and information on potential funding sources.

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Pond Construction and Maintenance in a Changing Climate

Pond Construction and Maintenance in a Changing Climate

Registration Now Open - Click Here

Wednesday, April 30 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, BYO lunch; Field walk 12:30-2:00 PM
(Rain Date: Thursday, May 1)

Ponds are a key nature-based tool for tackling challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity. In this workshop, participants learn how to build and maintain a pond to enhance their landscape, increase biodiversity, maximize wildlife habitat, and help reach water management goals in a changing climate.

Agricultural engineer Candi Gilpatric of Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will focus on site selection, styles of ponds, and construction methods, keeping the impacts of climate change in mind. For those who already have ponds, Candi will discuss helpful maintenance practices to keep ponds safe and healthy. Retired fisheries biologist and conservation professional Joe Dembeck will focus on pond biology and the wildlife associated with ponds in Maine. He will discuss pond habitat features for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, fish considerations, nuisance wildlife, and how healthy ponds can support climate resilience goals.

Cost: $25. Includes the comprehensive NRCS guide, “Ponds: Planning, Design, and Construction”, in addition to other learning materials.

This workshop is part of Adaptation in Action: Farming in a Changing Climate, a Spring Workshop Series hosted by Maine Coast Heritage Trust, Maine Farmland Trust, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District. Learn more about the workshop series taking place in March and April 2025.


Speaker Biographies

Candi Gilpatric has over 25 years of experience as an Agricultural Engineer for Maine Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). She has assisted hundreds of farmers and other producers with planning, designing, and implementing conservation practices and systems, including irrigation ponds. In addition to her technical expertise, Candi is an excellent presenter with a knack for translating higher-level engineering concepts to diverse audiences.

Joe Dembeck holds a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Water Resources Management and has decades of experience in conservation and fisheries biology. Joe was director of Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District for over seven years following a 20-year career as a fisheries biologist in positions with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife and an environmental consulting firm. Now retired, Joe has continued his work in conservation, serving on the Somerset County SWCD Board of Supervisors and sharing his expertise through speaking engagements including pond construction and apple pruning workshops.

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KLSWCD Booth at Rockland’s Stroll

KLSWCD Booth at Rockland’s Stroll

Stop by our booth on Main Street at Rockland’s Sunday Stroll.

Main Street will be temporarily closed to motorized traffic between Park Street and Glovers Passage (Ada’s Kitchen) from 11am until 5pm. Visitors will be able to view performances, shop the Rockland Makers Market (12-4pm), take part in games and activities, and enjoy the expanded outdoor space of the downtown and its businesses.

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Soil Health Field Days: Dharma Farm

Soil Health Field Days: Dharma Farm

Join Matt Boucher (Maine DACF, Maine Healthy Soils Program) and Knox-Lincoln SWCD for the first of three Soil Health Field Days on May 28, 5:30-7:30pm, Dharma Farm in Washington.

The Soil Health Field Day Series will feature three hands-on soil health trainings to support farmers in implementing best practices. Workshops will cover not only how soil health practices improve soils from a scientific perspective, but also how to approach building these practices into general farming plans. Matt will discuss different strategies for implementing practices and host farmers will share their experiences establishing and maintaining soil health practices as part of their operation.

Learn more about all three 2025 Soil Health Field Days here.

Registration details to be announced!

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S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School

S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School

SEA Fair, Camden-Rockport Middle School - May 30

Stop by our booth at the S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School.

We're excited to participate again this year.

There will be many environmental organizations offering activities for students, plus hands-on activities for elementary and middle school students.

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Eco-Explorers Summer Ecology Camp
to Jun 27

Eco-Explorers Summer Ecology Camp

Summer Ecology Camps include Eco-Explorers for children ages 7 to 9 (June 23-27, 2025 from 8:45-Noon), and Little Sprouts for ages 4 to 6 (July 7-11, 2025, 9-11:30 AM). Both camps allow developing minds to get up close and personal with plants, insects, animals, and natural systems in their Maine backyard. Camps take place at Merryspring Nature Center, in a mostly outdoor setting.

Little Sprouts (Ages 4 to 6)
For younger campers ages 4 to 6 who love to be outdoors, discover the world around them, make friends, and get creative.

📅 July 7 - 11, 2025
🕐 9:00 am - 11:30 am
✔️ $145 per camper
📍 Merryspring Nature Center

Eco-Explorers (Ages 7 to 9)
For children ages 7 to 9 who are looking to explore the natural world, conduct experiments, and get up-close-and-personal with the plants, insects, and animals in their Maine backyards.

📅 June 23 - 27, 2025
🕐 8:45 am - 12:00 noon
✔️ $165 per camper
📍 Merryspring Nature Center

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Little Sprouts Summer Ecology Camp
to Jul 11

Little Sprouts Summer Ecology Camp

Summer Ecology Camps include Eco-Explorers for children ages 7 to 9 (June 23-27, 2025 from 8:45-Noon), and Little Sprouts for ages 4 to 6 (July 7-11, 2025, 9-11:30 AM). Both camps allow developing minds to get up close and personal with plants, insects, animals, and natural systems in their Maine backyard. Camps take place at Merryspring Nature Center, in a mostly outdoor setting.

Little Sprouts (Ages 4 to 6)
For younger campers ages 4 to 6 who love to be outdoors, discover the world around them, make friends, and get creative.

📅 July 7 - 11, 2025
🕐 9:00 am - 11:30 am
✔️ $145 per camper
📍 Merryspring Nature Center

Eco-Explorers (Ages 7 to 9)
For children ages 7 to 9 who are looking to explore the natural world, conduct experiments, and get up-close-and-personal with the plants, insects, and animals in their Maine backyards.

📅 June 23 - 27, 2025
🕐 8:45 am - 12:00 noon
✔️ $165 per camper
📍 Merryspring Nature Center

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Soil Health Field Days: Dooryard Farm

Soil Health Field Days: Dooryard Farm

Join Matt Boucher (Maine DACF, Maine Healthy Soils Program) and Knox-Lincoln SWCD for the second of three Soil Health Field Days on August 6, 5:30-7:30pm, Dooryard Farm in Camden.

The Soil Health Field Day Series will feature three hands-on soil health trainings to support farmers in implementing best practices. Workshops will cover not only how soil health practices improve soils from a scientific perspective, but also how to approach building these practices into general farming plans. Matt will discuss different strategies for implementing practices and host farmers will share their experiences establishing and maintaining soil health practices as part of their operation.

Learn more about all three 2025 Soil Health Field Days here.

Registration details to be announced!

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Annual Banquet & Conservation Awards

Annual Banquet & Conservation Awards

Please join us for great food, fellowship, raffle prizes and announcement of conservation awards at our Annual Banquet on Thurs., August 14 from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Beaver Lodge in Hope.

Enjoy dinner catered & dessert from Pies by Daphne and a chance to win raffle prizes. Our featured speaker is Matthew Boucher, Ph.D., State Soil Scientist at Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry.

We hope you can join us as we celebrate conservation leaders in Knox & Lincoln counties.

Please register below or call: 207-596-2040, or email:

Stay tuned for online registration and ticket purchases.

If you are interested in sponsoring our annual celebration, please contact Julie Sells at or call 207-596-2040.

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Soil Health Field Days: Sheepscot General Store & Farm

Soil Health Field Days: Sheepscot General Store & Farm

Join Matt Boucher (Maine DACF, Maine Healthy Soils Program) and Knox-Lincoln SWCD for the second of three Soil Health Field Days on October 1, 5:30-7:30pm, Sheepscot General Store & Farm in Whitefield.

The Soil Health Field Day Series will feature three hands-on soil health trainings to support farmers in implementing best practices. Workshops will cover not only how soil health practices improve soils from a scientific perspective, but also how to approach building these practices into general farming plans. Matt will discuss different strategies for implementing practices and host farmers will share their experiences establishing and maintaining soil health practices as part of their operation.

Learn more about all three 2025 Soil Health Field Days here.

Registration details to be announced!

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Pizza Night Fundraiser at American Flatbread Company in Rockport

Pizza Night Fundraiser at American Flatbread Company in Rockport

We are holding a pizza fundraiser at American Flatbread Company, 399 Commercial Street (Rt 1) in Rockport on Tuesday, March 18 from 4 to 7 pm. American Flatbread Company will donate a portion of all pizza sales from the evening in support of our youth conservation programs.

Some of the winning posters from our annual contest: "Home is Where the Habitat is" will be displayed.

Banner painted by Carolyn Brown, Art Teacher at Camden Hills Regional High School

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Apple Pruning Techniques

Apple Pruning Techniques

UMaine Workshop: How to Prune Mature Apple Trees click here for more information about this workshop in Rockport (also $25)

Back by popular demand, we are pleased to offer a program on pruning techniques needed to keep your apple trees healthy and productive. Travis Hamilton, a licensed Maine arborist and owner of Arbor Tech in Searsmont, will teach this popular class! Register below.

Whether you have a small home orchard or one old tree that feeds the deer, this workshop will teach you the basic pruning techniques needed to keep your trees alive - and bearing fruit.

A private landowner in Union is hosting this class. The address and parking instructions will be sent to all confirmed registrants. This heritage site offers an orchard consisting of old apple trees and newer trees.

  • New this year: This workshop is demonstration only. Participants will not be pruning trees themselves, but are encouraged to bring their own pruning tools for Travis to look at and give advice.

  • Please bring water and snacks, as needed, but note that there are no bathroom facilities.

  • The workshop is entirely outside, for two hours; please consider bringing a camp chair for your comfort.

  • Please dress for the weather, uneven or muddy ground conditions, and for a walk to the trees.

  • In the event of cancellation for inclement weather, we will contact you via email by 9:00 AM. Inclement weather date is March 22.

Event is Full; Fee: $25. To sign up for our Wait List, please complete form: Register below.

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Basic and Advanced Erosion Control Practices Certification Course - Course is Filled - WAITLIST ONLY

Basic and Advanced Erosion Control Practices Certification Course - Course is Filled - WAITLIST ONLY

Maine DEP Basic & Advanced Erosion Control Practices Certification Course - WAITLIST only

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 8 AM - 4 PM, at Evening Star Grange in Washington

Register for this day-long training using the form below by Monday, January 13, 2025. Light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments are provided. Course fee is $95. Contact us for WaitList payment at 207-596-2040.

This course, co-sponsored by Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District and Maine DEP, is necessary to become a Contractor Certified in Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices by the DEP. In the 8-hour course, participants will learn why erosion control practices are important, be exposed to the principles of erosion and sedimentation, learn how to properly install and maintain Erosion & Sedimentation Control ('ESC') Best Management Practices (BMPs), regulations requiring ESC, using the Departments Permit By Rule process, in-water work procedures, and ESC planning. Participants are provided with information on the proper selection, installation and maintenance of ESC practices using Maine DEPs Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Field Guide for Contractors. The course is of primary interest to contractors but could also be helpful to municipal code enforcement officers, consultants, engineers and public works employees. Courses can be tailored to either an audience of primarily contractors or for inspectors and municipal officials.

This class qualifies for 6 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) for individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP. Each CEH afford Certified individuals one year of recertification. This class is approved for 4 Credits for Certified Tank Installers by the Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers, 2023.

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Local Working Group Meeting for Kennebec and Lincoln Counties

Local Working Group Meeting for Kennebec and Lincoln Counties

How Should USDA Farm Bill Funding Be Allocated? Local Work Group Meeting Announcement

Lincoln County and Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), in cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Augusta field office, will host the annual meeting of the Lincoln-Kennebec Local Work Group (LWG) on December 17th, Noon to 2pm at the Augusta City Hall (16 Cony Street in Augusta).

Taking into account local resource concerns, Local Work Groups make recommendations to NRCS on how to spend USDA Farm Bill funds for agricultural and forestry conservation practices on private lands.  

If you are: an agricultural producer; forester, logger or private woodland owner; member of an environmental or watershed organization or land trust; knowledgeable in soil, water, plant, wetland or wildlife sciences; and/or are familiar with agricultural and natural resource concerns in Lincoln or Kennebec counties, we invite you to attend this meeting to help 1) identify and prioritize local conservation concerns; and 2) recommend how local funds for USDA Environmental Quality Incentive Programs (EQIP) will be distributed by NRCS to address resource needs.

If you plan to attend, please register using the form below to be placed on the contact list and receive important information in advance of the meeting, including location details. 

Questions? Contact us:

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Inland Shoreline Stabilization Practices Certification Course (in-person only)

Inland Shoreline Stabilization Practices Certification Course (in-person only)

Inland Shoreline Stabilization Practices Certification Course (in-person only)

Fee: $55 per person for 4-hour course

Location: Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust’s David Moses Bridge Education Hall at 3 Round Top Lane in Damariscotta.

Soil erosion is not only a source of non-point source pollution; it can also threaten structures and other development along waterbodies. Historically, there was a single approach to shoreline erosion: fill the shoreline with rock or riprap without regard to the ecological functions of the shoreline. While this approach can be successful in solving the erosion problem when done correctly, we now know it creates other problems for waterbodies, fish, and wildlife.

Shoreline erosion can be caused by several factors, and finding an appropriate solution requires an understanding of each reason behind the erosion. In this class, participants will be exposed to the factors leading to shoreline erosion, how land use and behavior affects shorelines, state permitting standards related to shoreline stabilization, the importance of vegetation and other natural processes in stabilization of shorelines, and how to minimize impacts to the water on shoreline projects.

This 4-hour class qualifies for 4 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) for individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP.

**A 48-hour notice of cancellation is required to get a 50% refund. No refunds for a “no show”. All programs and services of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District are offered on a non-discriminatory basis.

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Common Ground Fair
to Sep 22

Common Ground Fair

Please stop by our Soil & Water Conservation District booth at the Common Ground Fair in Unity. This fair is MOFGA’s annual celebration of rural living!

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The Wild One’s Native Plant Celebration & Sale

The Wild One’s Native Plant Celebration & Sale

Join us on the picturesque grounds of the Camden Amphitheatre on Sunday, September 15 from 9 AM to 1 PM for a celebration of native plants! This event is hosted by The Wild Ones. There will be native plants for sale and wildflower seed mixes. Also available are shopping directly from local native plant nurseries, educational booths, conversations with native plant growers, gardeners, and landscapers; kids’ activities, music and more. This is a great opportunity to learn more about native plants and how to incorporate them into your own garden and yard.

Stop by the Knox-Lincoln SWCD booth for our Wildflower Seed mixes and seeding information.

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Midcoast Conservancy’s State of the Medomak

Midcoast Conservancy’s State of the Medomak

Join Midcoast Conservancy for The State of The Medomak at the Waldo Theatre for a presentation on the story of the Medomak River, water quality conditions, emerging threats, and what we can do to protect The Medomak watershed. Registration is required.

Stop by our table to learn about Knox-Lincoln SWCD’s many programs and service.

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Invasive Species Walk and Talk

Invasive Species Walk and Talk

Join Louisa Crane of Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District on August 28th at 3:30 pm for a 1-hour walk to identify invasive plants around Rockland, departing from the Rockland Public Library Lawn at 3:30 p.m.

Walk and Talk participants will be guided on a walking tour of Rockland and will learn how to identify, prevent, and remove invasive plants along the way. Invasive plants can increase erosion, reduce the capacity of a natural area to absorb rainwater (increasing runoff), and interfere with pollinator food sources.

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Annual Banquet & Conservation Awards

Annual Banquet & Conservation Awards

Please join us for great food, fellowship, raffle prizes and announcement of conservation awards at our Annual Banquet on Wed., August 21st from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Beaver Lodge in Hope.

Enjoy dinner catered by Megunticook Market, dessert from Pies by Daphne and a chance to win raffle prizes. Conservation Awards will be presented after a video presentation of “Growing Wild - A Short Documentary | The Untold Stories of Maine's Wild Blueberries” followed by a panel discussion with Ron Howard of Brodis Blueberries, Ashley Field of Fields Fields Blueberries, and Peter Abello of NRCS-Maine.

We hope you can join us as we celebrate conservation leaders in Knox & Lincoln counties. This year we are pleased to honor the following leaders:

Conservation Farm of the Year: Pumpkin Vine Family Farm, Somerville

Volunteers of the Year: Dewey Meteer and Sharon Abair

Special Recognition for Dedication and Leadership in Conservation Practices: Rebecca Jacobs

Please register below or call: 207-596-2040, or email:

Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased through mail or our website:

Thank you to our generous business sponsors:

Goldenrod Sponsor Level:

The First National Bank

Sasanoa Brewing

Viking Lumber

Silverrod Sponsor Level:

Union Farm Equipment

Sponsor Level:

For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, contact Julie Sells at or call 207-596-2040.

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Biological Control of Black Swallow-wort in Maine

Biological Control of Black Swallow-wort in Maine

Please join us for a presentation on Biological Control of Black Swallow-wort in Maine on August 6th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust’s David Moses Bridge Education Hall at 3 Round Top Lane in Damariscotta. Participation is free; registration is required.

DACF Integrated Pest Management Specialist Dr. Hillary Peterson will present about an ongoing project deploying a moth species from Ukraine, Hypena opulenta, as a classical biological control agent of the invasive black swallow-wort in Maine. Black swallow-wort is a challenging invasive plant that is difficult to control and can negatively impact populations of monarch butterflies. The caterpillar stage of Hypena opulenta only feeds on swallow-worts. Releases of Hypena opulenta have taken place in Ogunquit in 2019 and 2021, Harpswell in 2022, and South Portland in 2023. This summer (2024) releases are taking place on Little Deer Island. Release sites are monitored to determine if the moth species has established on an annual basis.

Dr. Hillary Peterson is the Integrated Pest Management Specialist at the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry within the Plant Health Programs. Hillary grew up in Brunswick, Maine, and received her B.S. in Biology at the University of Maine, and then her Ph.D. in Entomology at Penn State University. She has spent time working with invasive species and biocontrol in several agroecosystems including berries, tree fruit, and corn.

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Invasive Plant Walk & Talk Series: Management Strategies

Invasive Plant Walk & Talk Series: Management Strategies

Join Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (KLSWCD) on Wed., July 17th from 4:00 – 5:30 pm at Merryspring Nature Center in Camden for a walk to focus on strategies for invasive plant field identification, using Merryspring’s grounds for learning. Attendance at the first program is not required.

Louisa Crane, Program Coordinator at KLSWCD led the efforts in 2021 on phase two of the invasive plant management plan at Merryspring. She helps landowners and organizations identify invasive plant species and develop invasive plant management plans.

Maximum attendance is 15; pre-registration is required. Register below.

This event is full - all registrants will now be added to a WAITLIST! Please register if you are interested as there are often shifts in our attendee list as people’s schedules change. If there are enough individuals on the waitlist, we may be able to schedule this program for a second day later in the summer.

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Invasive Plant Walk ‘n Talk Series: Field Identification

Invasive Plant Walk ‘n Talk Series: Field Identification

Join Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (KLSWCD) on Wed., June 12th from 4:00 – 5:30 pm at Merryspring Nature Center in Camden for a walk to learn field identification skills of key terrestrial invasive plant species impacting Midcoast Maine.

This is the first part of a two-part series. The second event on Wed., July 17th will focus on strategies for invasive plant management, using Merryspring’s grounds for learning. You can attend both programs, although not required.

Louisa Crane, Program Coordinator at KLSWCD led the efforts in 2021 on phase two of the invasive plant management plan at Merryspring. She helps landowners and organizations identify invasive plant species and develop invasive plant management plans.

Maximum attendance is 15; pre-registration is required. Register below.

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S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School

S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School

SEA Fair, Camden-Rockport Middle School - May 31

Stop by our booth at the S.E.A. Fair at Camden-Rockport Middle School.

We're excited to participate again this year.

There will be many environmental organizations offering activities for students, plus hands-on activities for elementary and middle school students.

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Upcoming events

As future events are confirmed, details will be posted on our website.