Conservation Practices
The following fact sheets provide information on many practices that can reduce erosion and/or protect water quality. Unless otherwise noted, factsheets are part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series developed by the Maine DEP, the Portland Water District, and Cumberland County SWCD.
Erosion Control Around the Home
Infiltration Steps Retrofitted
Erosion Control Lakeshore
Erosion Control - Vegetated Buffers
Buffer Handbook (Andy ValleySWCD & Lake & Watershed Mgt Assoc.)
Buffer Plant List (Lake & Watershed Mgt Assoc.)
Planting and Maintaining Buffers
For more information on plants: Landscapes and Gardens for Maine
Erosion Control - Paths and Roads
How to Form a Road Association
(York County SWCD with Kennebec, Andy Valley, and Cumberland SWCDs)
Vegetable Gardens on Disposal (Leach) Fields
(Maine Dept of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry)
Homeowner Guidelines for Pet Burial
(Maine Dept of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry)
Before and After: Infiltration steps, pervious pathways, buffer plantings and mulch protect water quality.
Before and After: Rubber razors with with stone and/or Erosion Control Mix divert water and prevent path eros