Louisa Crane
Program Development Specialist
Louisa was hired originally as a part-time staff member and now as full-time employee after serving as a Maine Conservation Corps Environmental Steward with KLSWCD from June-November 2021. As Knox-Lincoln's Program Development Specialist, Louisa will be focusing on developing our adult and K-12 education programs, enhancing our Conservation Landscape Certification Program, providing technical assistance related to invasive plant management, and supporting other Knox-Lincoln programs and fundraisers like our annual plant sale, adult education programs, grant writing, and website support.
Louisa’s interests in conservation, ecology, and human interactions with the environment have their roots in her time spent engaging with the environment while growing up in Midcoast Maine: raking blueberries, gardening, and raising livestock on her family's small farm in Warren; 10 years of exploring Penobscot Bay through the youth sailing program at the Apprenticeshop in Rockland; countless hikes and camping trips in the Camden Hills and beyond; and her first "real" job in high school as a member of the Erickson Fields Preserve Teen Agriculture Crew in Rockport.
These rich and varied experiences formed the foundation on which Louisa pursued a bachelor's degree in the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Studies at Wellesley College. Upon graduating, she worked for two years at the Wellesley College Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative, where she developed place-based academic, experiential, and recreational programs engaging Wellesley students with nature and sense of place.
In Louisa’s spare time you can find her walking or hiking with her family's dogs, getting a workout in at the Pen Bay YMCA, baking muffins or cookies, relaxing on the ledges at Beauchamp Point in Rockport, or patronizing local restaurants and cafes with friends.