238 Blueberry, Reka


238 Blueberry, Reka Z4. Early, hardy, large crops, great flavor. Soil adaptable from light, sandy soils or peat to heavier clay loams. More tolerant of wetter ground than other varieties. Fruit is an attractive dark-blue color and freezes well. 4'-6' mature size

238 Blueberry, Reka 1 for $22.00

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238 Blueberry, Reka Z4. Early, hardy, large crops, great flavor. Soil adaptable from light, sandy soils or peat to heavier clay loams. More tolerant of wetter ground than other varieties. Fruit is an attractive dark-blue color and freezes well. 4'-6' mature size

238 Blueberry, Reka 1 for $22.00

238 Blueberry, Reka Z4. Early, hardy, large crops, great flavor. Soil adaptable from light, sandy soils or peat to heavier clay loams. More tolerant of wetter ground than other varieties. Fruit is an attractive dark-blue color and freezes well. 4'-6' mature size

238 Blueberry, Reka 1 for $22.00

Additional information

  • Blueberries require at least 2 varieties for pollination and fruit set.

  • Blueberries need acid, humus-rich soil, excellent drainage. Use rotted sawdust, compost, decayed leaves; add sulfur to lower pH.

  • Keep well-watered after planting. No commercial fertilizer for first 2-3 years. Extra moisture in late Aug/early Sep sets next year‘s buds.

  • 1.5 yr old cell-grown plants are 12-24”, depending on variety.

See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine

234 Blueberry, Jersey
233 Blueberry, Blueray
236 Blueberry, Northland