272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois Z4. Everbearing. French variety. Medium-size fruit with highest flavor & fragrance of any everbearer. Plant in spring for sum/fall crop; good crop next summer. Freeze well. Productive, disease-resistant. Provide extra water/nutrients & wider spacing for large berries.
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois Z4. Everbearing. French variety. Medium-size fruit with highest flavor & fragrance of any everbearer. Plant in spring for sum/fall crop; good crop next summer. Freeze well. Productive, disease-resistant. Provide extra water/nutrients & wider spacing for large berries.
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois Z4. Everbearing. French variety. Medium-size fruit with highest flavor & fragrance of any everbearer. Plant in spring for sum/fall crop; good crop next summer. Freeze well. Productive, disease-resistant. Provide extra water/nutrients & wider spacing for large berries.
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00
Additional information
Loosen bundle; keep plants refrigerated until planting.
June-bearing: Remove all blossoms first year; harvest 2nd year. Allow runners to fill in row. Enrich with manure. Bed may last 5+ years.
Everbearing/day neutral: Remove flowers for 6 weeks after planting; remove runners 1st season. Heavy feeder: Enrich soil w/ manure before planting and side-dress monthly. Till under after 2nd year and replant.
See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine